Writing Inconsistently


Honestly – I have not been writing on this blog consistently. If I was to look at the things that I write this year, it has not been much really. Honestly – I do want to write more but I always find myself not having the idea or the content to write. Like this posting – it seems that I am just writing because I wanted to write something.

This year alone – I have been posting different topics, from the start in which posted on my 1 month holiday, then as I moved into banking, I started to post things on financial services concepts then after that it just died.

Question – do I have the time to write? Yes I do but I have been slacking and spending too much time on TV rather than doing things that I should be doing to help me, which reading and writing.

I am not sure what I can do to push me to write more, not that I am any better in writing, but writing more will allow me to see what are the areas I can improve. I do want to do a lot of things in life, but writing seems to be one of the hardest. I have run this blog for the longest time, where my first post can be sighted as a early as February 2005! That’s almost a good 13 years. Damn.

So – again I am coming out with a challenge for me to write on a topic for 30 days straight, can I do it? I am not sure actually – but I guess its fun to try something new.

Blast from the past – a photo of me back in 2005, Taman Negara.


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