MRT Ramblings #1

Just came back from Japan. Since before Japan I already have the thought of using MRT as the transport of choice when going to work. I know it’s not the easiest option but it does give me the time that I can use for myself. 

To be honest, it is still empty! Not sure why people are not using it. I love it. As this is still new, it might not be reliable yet, but heck when it stops for additional few minutes, it does give me that extra time to chill and read more news and write!

It takes approximately 60 mins for me to get to office from home. It’s about double of my usual time driving, apart from saving money I get to plan what I want to do everyday and… ramble on my blog. 

I shall continue to do this as long as I can. And I will terminate my season parking ?. Till next day ?

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