In the last 8 weeks, whole bunch of Bootcamp recruits participated in a challenge called 8 Weeks Challenge or better known as 8WC. The challenge is combination of both workout and diet – a formula that is fool proof! No one can exist without the other to achieve fast results!


From the photos in the banner – past results are just amazing. From big belly to 6 packs in just 8 weeks! Amazing! But it’s not all that easy. As simple as it may sound, the effort required to complete the 8 weeks is just phenomenal. Mental power is so important to ensure you don’t fall off the wagon. Even if you fall, Gunny will be there to help you stand up and ride through the challenge!

The power of 8WC in COBC Malaysia is actually the group! The challenge is so much more easier with the support that WE get from the other recruits! For example, at different times of the session – we have pot lucks, we share recipes, we motivate each other (and make fun of each other too)!


I must say – some of the recipes are just amazing!! For example – the oat bran cookies made by Wennice…


Despite having a good result from 8WC – all the grads will move into simmer phase. Myself will continue with the 8WC diet to reach my ideal weight before moving into simmer phase. Simmer phase is a phase where we start moving back into the normal “healthy” diet..

And of course – as I’ve been repeating myself many many many times – losing weight is easy, maintaining it is difficult! But with the support of COBC recruits – am sure the 8WC grads will survive!



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