It has been 18 years

Since I first started this blog 18 years ago, I have consistently posted on it despite its extremely low viewership. The number of viewers is so insignificant that it goes unnoticed. Nevertheless, I continue to maintain this blog simply for the enjoyment of it, as a means for me to express myself.

person using keyboard beside phone and coffee cup
Photo by Gül Işık on

Initially, I started the blog on, which was the platform of choice at the time. Subsequently, I transitioned to WordPress and hosted it on my own website,, before finally moving it to its current domain,, which is based on my actual name.

The content of the blog primarily consists of the photos I have taken. Interestingly, I started the blog a few months before I even began pursuing photography as a hobby. It has been an incredibly enjoyable experience, and I intend to continue using this platform to share my work.

Over the years, the blog has had its fair share of ups and downs. Sometimes, the articles I write are simply rants about things I observe in the world. I avoid sensitive and political topics, as I use this space purely for fun. In fact, it’s Sunday night as I write this, and I suppose I’m doing so just to stimulate my creative mind (or what’s left of it). I readily admit that I’m not the best writer, and recently, I have been leveraging AI to help me craft better articles.

I will continue writing on this blog and posting whatever I feel like sharing. Let’s see how far I can take it. It should be an enjoyable journey.

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