
I have my been able to spend time doing development work because my work does not require me to do any. It is such a waste because in the past, I have been quite competent in this area. I guess, we need to work on things that can make more money!

In the past couple of weeks, I have been getting myself engaged into the New IT space. Where refreshing some fundamental principles is that I have learnt in the past and been practicing it for many years.  Obviously – things has definitely evolved and most of the things that I know especially architecture related is out dated. I do feel that I am damn old. Perhaps when I have more time(and not in MRT) I would post some of my key learnings. 

Within this space – there are also new trends that are emerging. Things like robotics, AI and quantum computing. I guess – if I don’t get myself acquainted with these new trends, I will forever be living in the past. More importantly, I need to explore new areas in which I can bring to my client. 

One of the areas that I’ve looked at last weekend was Alexa. Alexa is an amazon technology in which they have this device called Echo that works as a speaker/mic. The user will interact with Alexa thru that device. 

One beautiful thing about Alexa is that, you can build new skills to it. It’s just amazing the things that you can build. I was able to quickly build a new skill in less than 15 mins. Amazing indeed. With the new serverless capabilities from Amazon, I could get my stuffs up and running in a very short time. 

I will definitely post my codes and how I got it enabled when I have time. It’s a miracle that I was able to pull this thru. 

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