MRSM Taiping Memories Part #1

In the year 1993 – 1994, I moved from Sekolah Menengah Taman Keramat to MRSM Taiping. The offer came late, I was ready to go to Sekolah Sains Muar, but last minute I managed to get an offer from MRSM Taiping. It was an honour because MRSM Taiping at that time was running a Special Education Program or Program Khas Pendidikan (PKP), where the best of the breed is put into one place.

Honestly, I didn’t think I was one of the better ones. I was an average high student back in school – form 1 to 3. Hardly get the top 3, I mostly played around though I must say I was pretty good in mathematics then. My fascination over numbers can even be seen from dad’s old cupboards, where I would carve small numbers. This is just to send a hint to my dad – saying that I want that 10 cents to errr – buy ice cream.

Memories over my high school – is still bright in my mind. Class wise – we were very close. We spend bulk of our days together. From morning all the way till night. Most of the time we were asked to sit together, whether its during class or prep time. Prep time, is a time where we were supposed to do our homework and projects. There are instances where I just sleep over prep – because I can. And once I got caught, and had to stay for detention over the weekend. Memories memories.

Obviously – I wasn’t the brightest in school, nor that I was the most popular. But I made good friends. Sad that we all parted ways after school. I am still in contact with some of them, especially thru Facebook and Whatsapp group.

Recently, a reunion was organized in Taiping. I couldn’t make it because I was busy with work. I hope I can go to the next one.


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