Ang Pow!

Happy New Year! Huat Ah! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

It’s the new year again, and typically I would be celebrating with my friends, but this year been spending a lot of time at work. Nevertheless, another year, another challenge (eh but didn’t we just celebrated new year?). 

This year is the year of the goat. What’s instill for me, don’t know but I am just looking forward for it. Outlook been pretty good, a lot of opportunities, I just need to work hard for it.

I may not get but I wish for, but I sure want to get what I work for. Life may not be fair at times, but if we work for it – it surely be rewarding. 

May I get more of this 🙂

Outlook for me – as I am born in the year of the snake. 

Snake is the first animal in the Fire cycle. Chinese say Snake is the little Dragon fallen down from the sky. Dragon is in the Earth group. Therefore, Snake contains Fire and Earth. 2015 is a Wooden Sheep Year. Sheep contains Earth, Wood and Fire. So Snake and Sheep have something in common and they don’t fight each other.

The Fire inside the Snake is a Male Fire, which is related to the sun. Sheep contains mainly Female Earth, which is related to a farmland. Sheep also contains Female Wood, which is related to grass, vine, vegetables or flowers. A farmland needs the energy of the sun to grow the plants. Therefore, 2015 is a year for Snake people to help Sheep people. When Sheep people succeed, then Snake people will be proud of heir contributions. 

For example, parents provide good education to their children. When their children have great achievement in school or career. Parents will be very happy to see the result. The lucky parents even receive some benefit coming from their children.

Wood of 2015 is the Protection Star to Snake people. Since Sheep also contain some Wood. 2015 is a strong Wood year. That means Snake people always have somebody around to help them. 2015 should be a smooth year to Snake people. They don’t have to worry about any big trouble coming in 2015.

Smooth year? Sure hope so. Last year been a challenging year. Sure would love a great year this year. 

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