Cloud Services anybody?

What is cloud services?

  • Networked of servers and storage work as a common infrastructure to provide dynamic computing power and storage.
  • My opinion – popularised by Amazon.
  • Public cloud services are cheap depending on the type of consumption.
  • Amazon provides Micro instances that is free for the first year. This allow anybody to tryout the service.
  • The power of cloud computing is that the infrastructure would be able to scale dynamically. Theoretically it can be unlimited.
  • With the power of dynamic scaling, cost can be reduced significantly. Moving from the age where we buy infrastructure based on what we think the peak usage is, or based on annual projection to what we actually use (with a certain level of lee way).

What the hell that I blog on cloud:

  • I just feel like it..
  • I was replying few emails on cloud with my colleagues over in Australia


Over and out….

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