
For the past couple of weeks – I’ve been sticking the L sticker on my pannier and my front screen as per the requirements from JPJ **yes i did get saman!!**.


So after 1 week of skipping the riding practice – I decided to quickly do the Pre-Test and book my test date 🙂 So I went to Metro Driving Academy to do it… It’s such a pain to go to the place, especially on a bike. If you notice, it looks like it gonna rain…


So – quick trip to the counter, passed my IC and license… and I got this..


That’s the QTI – passed that to the instructor, and quickly wrote down my name into the test queue. So sad, I couldn’t get a test date of 27th Dec – looks like I gonna do the test on the 3rd of January (sigh…). But it’s ok, one time leave… half day leave in fact.

So till the test…… 🙂

Ride Safe… Ride Carefully… and ATGAAT….!!!!

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