Pink Eye Again

January 2007

That was the last time i had pink eye or conjunctivitis. It was quite an unbearable experience, hospitalized for one night and then major quarantine at home – surviving on canned food mostly.

Last week, in my recent trip to China, i think i slept with one of my eyes open (yes i do that some times), causing my eyes to get infected. I start to get dry eyes and continue with sore and swelling! Guess, i was holding up quite well as my eyes was kinda red for couple of days – in addition to that all the tears and stuffs. Ekekekek..

Anyway, it has been a few days since i come back now – and my eyes are hell a lot better. Especially with the tears naturale that was previously prescribed to me!


Since the last time of pink eye, there’s one important thing which i learn! DO NOT SCRATCH THE EYE! Heh heh. I was so discipline – that really help in not making it more severe. I am hoping that I will recover soon enough so that I can start trying out the new pair of contact lenses that ordered before i left to china.

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