Feeling Sicklish


 The past couple of days has been quite a disaster….

  • Lack of sleep!!
  • Lack of  exercise..
  • Lack of relaxation

I really wish I had chill out more and rest my body! Now I am suffering due to the deprivation of sleep and rest.  On Thursday night, I only had like 1 hour of sleep, and the next was a complete horror as I was working all the way till about 7pm (non-stop). Rushing for an extremely crucial proposal. Friday (with 1 hour of sleep + rest), guess my body is responding back. I started sneezing, and my throat started to soar. Gulp.. Sleeping at night was horrible as I was struggling with blocked nose and sore throat. This morning (Saturday), I had to wake up early because i had to pass somebody some stuff. With puffy face and sneezy nose.. gulp Anyway – now I still sneezing, and running nose. I would expect tmrw i’ll get the cough – and perhaps get fever soon. This is bad.. very bad.. sigh 

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