More from London

When I was in London, apart from running around for work, I also took the opportunity to take photos to relive back my hobby that I took up seriously many years ago. Now equipped with a small “point and shoot” – I am still trying hard to get myself to take really good photos. To be honest, its easy to take photo – but its damn bloody hard to come out with a masterpiece.

When I was doing soul searching in the past couple of days, I was thinking on what exactly will I do when I retire. There have been quite a bit of ideas but I guess photography and travel are probably the two things that I would be doing mostly (unless I ran out of money). Photography itself is reasonably cheap given that I already have the tools that I need AND I am not tempted to upgrade. Whilst travel can be very expensive. Spending a month say for example in Europe going to cost me a bomb. Given the Malaysian currency to be very weak, it is going to be a challenging affair. I will take it a step at a time, but more importantly is to focus on what I need to focus which is to build sufficient war chest and the right health as I get into retirement.

Retirement is only 6 years from now. There’s a lot of things that I need to do. The key is to focus – focus – focus – focus.

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