
Read an article on HBR.ORG on how should we have our meetings. In the past couple of months, I’ve been extremely busy. Seriously super busy. In fact – the picture below show how packed is my schedule!


First meeting being at 8am – all the way till 8.30pm. There’s a gap between 6pm-6.45pm. That’s because the call just got cancelled! Otherwise, I’ll be having meetings straight the whole day. Hence, why the article on is extremely useful.



Such process I need to really remember, EVERYTIME. There are a lot of instances where the call ended up to be just 10 minutes because it didn’t go thru a proper qualification. Yes, its great that we have a call or meeting – but allocating an hour or half hour is not fair for my other engagements. My problem – I have way too many calls or meetings. Just way way too many. I need to cut down as much as I can.

Apart from going thru this process, I am also trying to change the way I asked for a meeting. At any point when I ask for meeting, my invite will have two things (at least):

  • Objective and Expectation – List of things to achieve during the meeting/calls
  • Prep Work – Preparation work that needs to be done prior to the meeting. This I find very important because a lot of time we go into a meeting or calls unprepared – resulting in creation of a follow up calls. This then become a vicious cycle.

I need to work harder to make myself more efficient. I can’t be going home late every night, its too tiring and I’ll end up burning out.

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